
Mostrando las entradas de febrero, 2023


        UNIT 1:  LIFE PLANS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOAL: Explain a change of intentions or plans. Grammar:  Expressing intentions and plans that changed:   Was  /  Were going to  and  Would . Express and ask about past intentions and plans that changed with this form: Was / Were going to  +   a base form. For example:  I was going to get married (but I didn't) They were going to study art (but they didn't) You can also use Would (the past of will) + a base form to express plans and intentions that changed, but only in a noun clause following verbs such as  thought ,  believed , or  said . For example:  She thought she would be a doctor (but she changed her mind) We always believed they would get married (but they never did) Note:  You can also use was / were going to in a noun clause after  thought ,  believed , or  said . They said they were going to arrive before noon (but t


PERSONAL INFORMATION Hello, my name is Elian Andres Martinez Bautista, I'm 20 years old, I'm an industrial engineering student, I'm in the sixth semester, I was born in Barranquilla, but Currently, I'm living in Soledad. My favorite color is black, my favorite type of food is seafood, I'm in love with seafood, I really like listening to music, watching movies and series and especially reading books. My phone number is 3004321518 and my ID number is 1.045.668.805. I consider myself a kind, responsible and charismatic person. My goals are: Finish my career to be a professional Travel around the world, learn about the culture of other countries. The first country that I would like to visit is Canada, I love its landscapes. Keep learning new things every day.
WELCOME TO MY BLOG! This blog was created to capture my learning, during the sixth level of English.