UNIT 1:  LIFE PLANS


GOAL: Explain a change of intentions or plans.

Grammar: Expressing intentions and plans that changed: Was Were going to and Would.

Express and ask about past intentions and plans that changed with this form:

Was / Were going to + a base form.

For example:

  •  I was going to get married (but I didn't)
  • They were going to study art (but they didn't)

You can also use Would (the past of will) + a base form to express plans and intentions that changed, but only in a noun clause following verbs such as thoughtbelieved, or said.

For example: 

  • She thought she would be a doctor (but she changed her mind)
  • We always believed they would get married (but they never did)

Note: You can also use was / were going to in a noun clause after thoughtbelieved, or said.

  • They said they were going to arrive before noon (but they didn't)

Vocabulary: Reasons for changing plans.

I wanted to be a rock star, but my tastes changed.
I was going to be an artist, but it's hard to make a living as an artist.
I thought I would be a lawyer, but I didn't pass the exam.
I wanted to become a firefighter, but my family talked me out of it.
I was going to marry Dina, but I changed my mind.

Video: "Future in the past"

In this video you can see a brief explanation of the topic addressed in class.


Match! Put in each letter the corresponding number.

1. I was going to sell my car                                     

2. I was going to ring you yesterday evening

3. I was going to withdraw some money

4. I was going to quit my job

5. I was going to buy a new hi-tech watch

6. I was going to visit my aunt in New Zealand

7. I was going to take a bus to work for a change

8. I was going to watch the late movie last night

9. I was going to learn to play piano last year

10. I was going to speak to Angelo in Italian


a. 10  but then I remembered he speaks English well.

b. 3    but I lost my bank card.

c.  1   but no one wanted to buy it.

d. 9   but then I realised it was too difficult.

e. 7   but then there was s strike.

f. 6   but then she decided to move to Britain.

g. 5   but then I saw the price of it.

h. 2   but I didn't have any coins.

i. 7   but then I heard about the coming recession!

j. 8   but then I fell asleep on the sofa.


Practice in class: 
1. My mom planned to call my sister last night, but she forgot

She was going to call last night, but she forgot.

2. Marry was going to tell me a secret, but she didn't.

3. Originally, Tricia and Mark weren't going to come, but they changed their minds and came!

4. The game was going to be played at 1 pm, but it rained, so they postponed the starting time.

5. I really thought Messi would score, but he just missed the net!

6. I was standing in line and I was going to buy the Inception DVD, but I decided not to because I needed to save money.

7. We weren't going to play chess, but there was really nothing better to do, so we decided to play.


My practice:
1. I was going to visit my aunt yesterday, but I didn't find a bus route.

2. I was going to go cinema with my cousin Dariana, but she canceled at the last minute.

3. My cousin Maira and me were going to go to the beach, but it started to rain and we couldn't go.

4. Alex was going to give his girlfriend a gift, but she break up with him.

5. Maria was going to buy a cell phone, but her mother gave her one for her birthday.


What are some plans you had to changed because of the pandemic? 

At the beginning of the pandemic, I was going to go to the gym, but then it was difficult to go.

What are some plans you had in the past but changed? Why did they change? Are you happy with the result?

In the past, I was going to visit my aunts in Spain but due to the pandemic, I couldn't travel. Also I was going to travel to Cartagena with my family, but then my uncles got sick so I couldn't go.

I'm not happy with the result because I was excited to do those things.


GOAL: Regrets about past actions

Grammar: Perfect modals.

Use perfect modals to express feelings and beliefs about past actions and events:

• Regrets or judgments: should have + past participle 

I should have studied medicine. (But unfortunately, I didn’t.)She shouldn’t have divorced Sam. (But unfortunately, she did.)

• Possibility: may have / might have + past participle 

I may (OR might) have failed the final exam. It was really hard. He may (ORmight) not have been able to make a living as a painter.

• Ability (OR possibility): could have + past participle 

He was the driver. He could have prevented the accident. The museum was closed, but she couldn’t have knownthat. It’s usually open on Tuesdays.

• Certainty: would have + past participle

You should have gone to Rio. You would have loved it. It’s good he broke up with Anne. They wouldn’t have been happy together.

• Conclusions: must have + past participle

Beth isn’t here. She must have gone home early.(I think that’s what happened.)They didn’t buy the house. The price must not have been acceptable.(I think that’s the reason.)


  • It must have been hot last summer. I imagine that it was probably hot last summer.
  • He could not have murdered her, since he was in Chicago. It's impossible that he murdered her, because he was in Chicago.
  • They may have crossed the border by now. They might have already crossed the border by now.
  • You might have missed a very good opportunity. It's possible that you have missed a very good opportunity.



In this video they show us a little about the grammar of the perfect modal and some examples for your understanding.
ACTIVITY #1. Listen and complete.

1. David should have left earlier.

2. You would have been a good lawyer.

3. It  couldn't have taken that long complete. (negative)

4. We should have said something.

5. They might have needed a little more to eat.

6. The bus driver could have dropped us off at the  other stop.

7.  She might have forgotten about her appointment.

8. You shouldn't have done that. (negative)

9. I  would have been WOULD HAVE GIVEN you a ride if you had asked.

10. Shouldn't they have finished their assignment by now? (negative)


ACTIVITY # 2. Choose the modal that logically completes each sentence. Write that modal and the verb in the perfect modal form.

1. I don’t know why she married him. He must have been the only man available. 
                                                                  (must or should) be

2. I should have studied architecture. I would have been really good at it. 
   (Should or may) study.                      (must or would) be  

3. Jenna’s not studying Chinese anymore. It might have been too hard to learn Chinese and Japanese at the same time.                                             (should or might) be                 

4. We didn’t know we were going to have five children. We shouldn't have bought such a small house.
                                                                                           (could not or should not) buy

5. Ella still loves Ben. She shouldn't have broken up with him.
                                         (must not or should not) break up 

6. When I was young, everyone thought I was a great singer. But I decided to become a lawyer instead. Looking back, I may have decided think I on the wrong career.
                         (may or should) decide


ACTIVITY #3. Complete the sentences. Game: "Tingo Tingo Tango"

1. I should have bought a car when I had the money! (Past advince / regret)

2. We would have gone to your wedding, but Alfie was really ill. (Past certainly)  

3. The party may not been any more boring! (Past negative posibility)


ACTIVITY 4. In pairs, provide two possible reasons for each statement. Use may / might have, must have, and could have.

Badido Yisber Pimienta Arrieta
Elian Andres Martinez Bautista

1. My brother never got married.

- He must have been happy alone
- He must not have believed in marriage

2. All the classes were canceled today.

- It must have been of the weather
- It could have been that the teachers were sick

3. Michael is forty, and he just became a doctor.

- He must not have had money when he was young
- He must have worked all his youth

4. Rachel grew up in New York, but now she lives in säo paulo.

- She must have gone to study there, and she loved the city.
- She could have gone on vacation and got a job there.

5. They had one child, and then they adopted three more.

-The couldn't have had more children because the wife had health problems.
- They might have wanted to expand the family

6. They had their honeymoon in the U.S instead of in France.

- They should have wanted to visit some city in the United States
- They may have had relatives in the U.S


ACTIVITY 5. In pairs, make a conversation about the topic.

Ferney Duban Gonzalez Vargas
Elian Andres Martinez Bautista

Elian: Hey Ferney why are you sad?

Ferney: I should have studied for the economic engineering.

Elian: why do you think that?

Ferney: Well, I could have gone to the carnival but my parents punished me.

Elian: Could be, but you never know. you might have gotten sick.

Ferney: True.

Ferney: What do you regret?

Elian: I should have studied English when I was a little boy.

Ferney: Why do you think that?

Elian: Well, I could have gone on exchange to the U.S.A.

Ferney: Could be, but you never know. you might not have been happy there.

Elian: Yes, could be possible.


My practice: Perfect Modals
