Some of the most important discoveries and inventions were:

The wheel
The 3D printer

The television

The mosquito net
The X - Ray

  • Computer.
  • Airplane
  • Television
  • Internet
  • Plane
  • 3-D printer
  • Telephone
  • Penicillin
  • Fire
  • Electricity
  • Gravity
  • Dinosaurs
  • Gold
  • That the earth is round

Activity: In pairs, exchange information using key words or clues to find what is missing from the sentence.


 UNREAL CONDITIONAL: Review and expansion 

Remember: Unreal conditional sentences describe unreal conditions—conditions that don’t exist. 
Use the simple past tense or were in the if clause. 
Use would or could in the result clause.
if clause (unreal action or condition) result clause (if it were true)
If I wanted a cutting-edge phone, I’d look for one at TechnoWorld. (But I don’t want one.)
If you were here, we could study together. (But you are not here.)

The if clause can occur first or last. If the if clause comes first, use a comma.
If it weren’t so expensive, they would buy it. OR They would buy it if it weren’t so expensive.
If you saw a lighter laptop, would you buy it? (Yes, I would. / No, I wouldn’t.)
Where would you go if there were an affordable cruise?
If your car died on the highway, who would you call?

ACTIVITYSay each of the underlined expressions from the Photo Story in your own way.

1. “Ben and I got eaten alive last weekend.”
 "Ben and I were stung last weekend."

2. “. . . the mosquitoes were brutal.”
“. . . the mosquitoes were wild.”

3. “There are tons of mosquitoes in the mountains this time of year.”
“There are a lot of mosquitoes in the mountains at this time of year.”

4. “. . . You just have to bite the bullet once in a while and use the stuff that works.”
“. . . You just use the bullet once in a while and use the stuff that works."

5. “Whether you like it or not, the poison is effective.”
"Although you don't accept it, the poison is effective."

6. “I agree, but Ben won’t hear of it.”
“I agree, but Ben won't know.





The past unreal conditional describes past unreal or untrue conditions and results. Use the past perfect in the if clause. 

Use would have or could have + a past participle in the result clause.

If she had rented a more economical car, she wouldn’t have spentso much money on gas. (But she didn’t rent a more economical car.)

If Jonas Salk hadn’t invented a vaccine to protect people against polio, many more people would have gotten the disease. (But he did invent a vaccine.)

Questions and answers

Could they have prevented the accident if they had known the tires were so old?(Yes, they could have. / No, they couldn’t have.) 

What would you have done if you hadn’t had your phone with you? (I would have borrowed one.)


MY PRACTICE: Second conditional


My practice: Third conditional



What is the difference between invention and discovery?

Discovery is when through investigation or observation a hypothesis is verified, or something is found. Invention is when through different resources and with the use of tools an object or technology is created.


What was life like before these inventions or discoveries?

1.      The wheel: It was difficult for people to be able to transport from one place to another but now it is much easier than before, because the human being has created many means of transport.

2.      The mosquito net: It was very complicated, especially for the care of the children because they are more defenseless and therefore could be bitten by mosquitoes more easily. Now there are many other elements of protection against mosquitoes.

3.      The 3D Printer: Life before the 3D printer was very normal, although today its function is very helpful for different areas. For example, in Medicine it can be used to create prostheses.

4.      The X-Ray: Before it was difficult to detect some injuries or fractures in people, now, people can be treated immediately to find out if any damage was caused to their body.

5.      The television: Before, life was more boring, it was also difficult to find out about the news that was happening in the world, now the television allows us to know what is happening around the world and, in turn, is a means of entertainment.

6.      Penicillin: Before, life was very complicated because people got sick and could not be cured easily, today it is easier to control diseases due to penicillin.


What impact did they have in our lives?

They had a positive impact on our lives because thanks to these inventions and discoveries, we can do things more easily.

What is the one invention that is the most important in your life?

The most important invention in my life is the cell phone, because with it I can talk with my friends and family and I can also investigate the things I want thanks to the internet, which is another invention that I consider important in my life. I think my life would be boring if the internet hadn’t existed.

What is the last technological product you bought?

The last technological product that I bought was my computer, it is quite fast, it is high-tech and top-of-the-line.

What is a top-of-the-line or high-tech product that you really want? Why do you want? If you bought it, what would you do with it?

I would like to buy a smart watch because with it, I can communicate without having to take out my cellphone in the street, I’d use it to communicate and to measure my heart rate when I go out for a run.
